Friday, September 10, 2010

Real Life ~ Got It

Yo, peeps! Kidding. I am still not cut out for these kind of talking. xD Yeah, yeah, go ahead, call me boring because that word's always echoing in my own mind so I'm agreeing with you guys. Lol.

So anyways, while I am waiting for the anime "Nodame Cantabile Finale" to load, I am going to tell you about today. =P

Man, I feel hungry even though I felt weird (in a good way) after dinner. I ate something too spicy and instead of heart burn, I call it gut burn! =D

I went to one of my favorite shopping complex. Hmm, I don't want to reveal the name. ;P

It's a place where I can go to 2 music shops in one day. There, guess all you like (but you will never get to know the answer! Lol.)

Here's another hint, it's within my country (that is, IF you know my country!).

Alright, I'm going to stop teasing before you all start hunting me down to get a revenge. Dx

Just let me know if you spotted any grammar or spelling mistakes. Don't hesitate. Thanks in advance~!

So it was a normal morning... Woke up numerous times in the middle of the night. Last, last night (Wednesday night), I woke up many times. I can only remember the one at 6AM. I was like, "What the hell? I'm preparing for school so early when it's still the holidays?" Gosh, maybe I missed school - NOT! Then last night, like I said, numerous times. I can only remember the one at 6:30AM. It was much more scarier though. The sky's still dark and all but what scared me the most was the thunder storm. Lightning and thunder, all the noise. I was positive that it would make the electricity trip. =/ Thank goodness (or not?), the air-conditioner's timer was already up so it was turned off by the time I noticed it was raining cats and dogs (meow and woof! =3). The reason for the numerous times of waking up is... for a trip to... WONDERLAND! YAY! No, it was the bathroom.

I still drink a lot of water... No worries, it cannot possibly be more than 4 litres! One thing worries me a lot though, I keep getting these headaches. Usually after homework or at night when I am using the computer. I was wondering if getting lots of headaches is a sign of going blind. Ever since I received the e-mail about water making a person blind, I've been going nuts. I even thought of going back to drinking from a cup. =[

Oh wait, where was I again? Haha. Sorry.

Right, woke up at 9:30AM. I was too lazy to check whether mom and dad were awake so I can play my violin. I slept a bit more but after hearing a noise coming from below, I know that someone's awake. It was then that I decided to open my door and check it out. OK... Their door's wide open. I groaned internally and went back to bed, switching the alarm clock back to waking me up at 9:30AM instead of 10:30AM.

Started practice at about the usual time despite the later time of waking up (difference in minutes).

The practice was smooth. Believe it or not, I am trying to perfect my country's National Anthem. (I hope I got the sentence right!)

After the big exam, I definitely gotta upload my violin playing of the National Anthem! =D Hopefully by then, I will have modified the song nicely but still recognizable. The modification is to show that I've improved over the months of violin playing. Yeah, I am still a noob to you guys but I am a dreamer, OK? ;P

The vibrato makes it much better though. =D Today dad listened and found that the scores seem to have made the actual anthem weird too. Well, it seemed like they added 2 unnecessary notes into it. =/ That's 4 if you counted the total. Oh, what am I saying? It's the "A" note and you gotta play it twice before the next phrase where you play it twice again. I gotta say, no matter if you did vibrato or not, it'll sound weird because it's entirely the same note and it would be monotone. You have to play the first one with one count then the next one 2nd count. The second phrase is the same. Oh well~

Those extra notes are the part where you are not supposed to sing at. It's probably a chance for the singers to breathe for a while. That's 3 counts of rest to the singers. =D Alright, I gotta shut up about the song. xD

Moving on (finally!), mopped the floor and took a bath. Mom told me that we will be going shopping after bath. Good, I thought I heard that we leave house at 4:30PM. o.0

Lunch before reaching the shopping complex.

Am eating now so will make it quick. Sorry to make the climax this fast.

The first music shop where i can play the piano is close. Darn! I didn't expect that. My jaw dropped.

The next was definitely open since it was so damn noisy. Thanks to the drums. xD

I checked out the price of mute. One was about 26 dollars and the other about 40 dollars. What.the.eff! Are mutes THAT expensive?! I expected 10 - 16 dollars!

The didn't sell any "Canon In D (Pachabel Canon)" so that's fine. They sold a full size bow for 99 dollars. Ack! *Gasp*

I only bought an E-string. xD The cheap one of course. RM4.80 for one. It's affordable (thank goodness!).

I played a bit on the piano. Yes, surprising isn't it? I wasn't even annoyed at all when I could hardly hear myself play though I COULD still hear myself. =] It's improvement though. The ears are finally sharper and accurate. ^^ The noise is even more noisier than the first time I've tried to compete with others' loud piano playing.

I couldn't remember the notes to play halfway through the starting even though I've played it at all speed at home. Guess I wasn't used to playing the full range piano. Lol. I tried the Anthem. Haven't fully memorized yet so it's pretty slow but better than the first time playing with score. xD After that, I played "Princess Mononoke". It's better since I've remembered all the chords and just need to know when to put them in. xD The piano is not in tune. I could catch the mistake at the left hand side of the notes. The sharps/flats with the white keys are not right. Yay! Thanks to the frustrating fight I always have with the violin tuner, it made me much more aware of what sound every instruments make. It's a problem too though, hear any piano or violin music, regardless of what type of song, the ears get all perked up, figuring out the notes. Damn. xD That's the disadvantage but can be put to good use. ^^ Either way, I am still N-O-O-B! Well, I am happy though. Lol.

Not eating now so I can do a more deliberate one. @.@ Good for the ones who don't mind reading a lot and so sorry for the ones disliking "heavy" reading (opposite of light reading).

Left the music store and went into the book store. =] It's the second favorite place to hang out after a good time in music store at that shopping complex.

Bought nothing. There's a mistake in the answer sheet for the higher grade English. =/ The answer is clearly C but the the stupid answer sheet said D. It can't possibly be that I've seen the wrong one... I've checked. There's no way that it's D (100% confident). Haha, it's like I'm not suffering from lack of confidence anymore! Even so, I am STILL suffering from that.

Hey, is it true that Albinos have a shorter life span? Well, what's the use of living so long for anyways if you do not have the money to enjoy life to the fullest? Right, lemme get this straight first, money is what you need to survive now that its existence just WON'T disappear and love (from family, friends and lover) is what you need to make you stronger, to live through the 'thick and thin'. Oh, so romantic. Yuck, sorry, I cannot stand gushy words. It's still true though. Proven right already! Muahahaha!

Where was I again? I was watching the anime so I've forgotten. The episode was too great that I cannot remember.

Alright, that's all I will say. I don't wanna reveal too much, you know? =P

Bye. Take care and have fun~!

Hope to write more interesting things soon. xD

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