Sunday, September 5, 2010

Real Life ~ 2 in 1

This post will be about what happened in 2 days so... now you get what the title means anyway. =P

Let's start with yesterday, which was Saturday (4th September 2010).

Woke up at the usual 9:30AM. I practised the violin and went for the violin lesson again. I just envy the kids. They sat there waiting to go home or start class and while waiting, they made other friends and played with one another. I just sat there watching. I have no one except my mom to talk to. I can't talk much about anything except violin. She's obviously not into violin and she's never gonna get back into the world of music again.

You know, (to warn you first, I will be off topic for a moment) I feel so jealous and pissed whenever I see other performers playing violin or piano (especially piano) on TV. Not only TV but other places as well (as long as my parents can watch). My parents would be like, "Woah, so fast, how can he/she memorize the whole song?" ARGH! Who can't memorize the whole song after practising?! Why is it impossible? It's after thinking that that made me think this, "Why did I give up after 5 years of playing piano? Why was I slower when learning?" I mean, I see kids these days play piano so well even though they don't even WANT to learn in the first place! I guess that their reluctance wasn't as firm as mine. I am VERY sure I hate something so I will not like it or have anything to do with it. That's how it goes. True reluctance comes from internal tantrum throwing. Well, for me, in my case. I just scream inside my mind until I can't help but bang the wall with my fists on the outside. If I'd not stopped piano, I wouldn't be happy. That's definitely something true. If I'd not stopped piano, I'd most probably still liked the guitar. If I'd not stopped piano, I wouldn't have had the chance to play the violin, which now ended up becoming oxygen to me. Even so, I still wonder, how pro would I be if I hadn't stopped playing the piano at the age of 9 and continued until this very day, which would be 11 years of piano playing. Well, I WILL still count 11 years of playing even if I stopped at the age of 9! =P Haha. If only my parents and EVERYBODY can just turn back and look at me one day saying how cool I am. I just WANT respect! For crying out loud, during the days that I've been trying to join the popular and supposedly cool group, I only wanted to be respected, not seen as this spectacle kid. I HATE BEING NERDY! But if you asked me whether I rather be a whore or a nerd, I'd rather be nerd! xD

(I think I am done being off topic. Sorry~)

So anyways, the kids really had fun. They don't see me as anything even though I am WAY older than them. Hmph! Rude~

Whatever! My violin teacher gave me 3 pages to play just because of holidays. xD Even though it's the holidays, I can't make violin practices that long. Firstly, I would have to say bye bye to my both arms if I played too long. Secondly, I am gonna be scolded like hell at home. Thirdly, I would play myself bored. It's true I love the violin with all my heart but I cannot stand hearing my own violin playing for too long. My ears are gonna burst then bleed or vice versa (why did spell check underline the word "versa"? Is it wrong?). =P

Reminder, let me know if there's any spelling or grammar mistake! Thanks in advance!

Lunch and bath after violin class. Did homework. Not much of shopping after dinenr if you asked me.

Alright, from here on, it's gonna all be in the present, no more of yesterdays unless just remembered something to talk about. =P

5th September 2010.

Lol. Is this diary now or what? Oh wait, too late to say that, it has been my e-diary ever since I started talking about my life.

Anyways, woke up at the destined time (can it even BE a destined time?). Sigh, I just cannot stop thinking about Autumn. =] The practice mainly took place in a warm and stuffy room. >=/ Know why? My mom woke up late so I can't play in the hallway with direct fan until she wakes up. If I wasn't so considerate, I would definitely have played all I liked and scare her to death every morning I wake up at that time. Poor mom, she would not have peace at all. xD

The practice was OK though. The bridge of the violin will be lowered again next week. It had to be lowered because of the stubborn pegs. So naughty of them, they wanna make me tune the violin frequently. Oh well, if it were to be lowered down, it would mean that doing double-stopping will be easier but pizzicato will be tough. Sob. I only learned right hand pizzicato. I still can't wait to learn the left hand pizzicato!

I just observed vibrato and noticed that violinists' thumbs are right under the neck of the violin when they do that skill. There's arm vibrato and wrist vibrato. I am not all that sure of vibrato since ALL sounded the same. xD I tried and noticed that it made the 4th finger (lil pinky finger) do vibrato easily. It uses the 'meaty' part of your fingers. Truth to be told, my fingers are too numb to tell you whether it hurt or not. Here's one thing, I learned extension (finger sliding from a note to the next) and have been playing it last week. After playing, as expected, my index finger hurt from the sliding. T.T I may have said that my fingers are numb but it didn't mean that I cannot feel ANYTHING anymore! xD

Lol, no pain no gain. This is something I will dare to say and prove to you that I can do!

Let me brag more. =P Skip this paragraph if you can't stand it. xD
I had REALLY BAD chronic urticaria since last November, which was around the time when I started loving the violin. The day I finally got the chance to hold the violin after that miracle phone call, my whole of left shoulder and including the collarbone part was red and itching like crazy. Holding the violin was like hell. It hurt! Even when I had my first lesson, my left part hurt a whole lot and I was indeed struggling to balance the violin. I couldn't help but keep adjusting the violin so that the pain will lessen (it didn't help that much but it was a bit of a relief). When I first played the 3 notes and open A string, my fingers hurt like crap. They would swell and get really red. It didn't just stop at that... My fingers itched after the swelling and reddening. Hmm, at least it put a colour to my skin! Lol, no, really, it hurt for someone who has a sensitive skin. xD Not long, the fingers start to harden. You can even pick some dried skin off your fingers! It was so fun picking them! Kidding. xD I'm warning you, DON'T ever peel your skin off or get carried away cutting them off with the nail-cutter. I swear to God, you are going to REGRET it! Here's another warning, your skin will come off on its own if you practised vibrato too much. That's what happened to me. Haha... Not a nice experience. The injured part stung a lot. T.T The skin of my pinky finger and the finger between middle and pinky have both traveled somewhere else just from the vibrato practice. xD Also, I warn you, if you have sensitive skin, for instance, at the neck and jaw part, I suggest you use handkerchief to put over the fine tuner and chin rest part. Make sure you cover the bottom of those both parts too. The handkerchief can't be too thick though. The size doesn't need to be that big either. =P For those using shoulder rest, good for you, make sure you can STILL play without it! Hey, no hard feelings, I have a shoulder rest but I was told by both my teachers not to use it. I used it only a few times when I was still at beginner stage and you know what? It made holding the violin harder for me because the shoulder rest was pretty bulgy. Now it's left collecting dust along with my metronome. No worries, they are still in their box. xD At first, I wouldn't dare use the handkerchief even though I've already hurt the collarbone. Urticaria wouldn't stop appearing and knowing me, I still scratched it despite the terrible pain it gave. For weeks, the wound wouldn't go away so I had no choice but to use handkerchief. It still wouldn't go so I plastered it. Thank heavens it is gone now. =D Oh man, I cannot forget the pain when I first started using the 4th finger to play! Damn, it just wouldn't go any further and reach that note. I could only use the side of the finger and if I ever cut off the 'extra' skin coming out from the side of the 4th finger, I cannot reach that note and would be back at square one. *pouts* Now I don't need that 'extra' skin anymore. I still sometimes play with the side since I am learning third position now but will try using the middle part more. Ganbatte to other violinists' wannabe or violin fans! ^^ Just don't cross my line and make me jealous. =P The point of this paragraph is for me to reminisce the very beginning of violin learning and most importantly, let you all know that it's NORMAL to feel pain when you're learning the violin. I'm saying this because I was worried I wasn't cut out for violin playing and thought that I was too weak.


Alright, those who've skipped the previous paragraph, congratulations, you've reached the part where you can start reading again! ^^ No rewards since you ignored my ranting. Lol. I recently feel pain from the violin playing. =/ Funny, I'm not really forcing myself that much anymore and I have stopped forcing myself to make it to 2 hours and above already. Why should I feel pain now? This question is still unanswered but you know what? I WILL NOT stop! I don't wanna and don't wanna break the promise to myself and my parents. This is going to be an investment. I dunno how long I will live in this world that's becoming increasingly cruel but it's still an investment. =P Bleh~ ^^

Man, didn't expect to talk this much. Sorry for the crap. xD

Watched movie today: Vampire Sucks. It was retarded and it's not like I like ALL parts of the movie but it's still OK. I won't buy the DVD even if it came out. Just wanna watch the movie since it's retarded. xD Nothing wrong with wanting to laugh, right?

OK, I am going to read manga now. Bye~

Take care and have fun again. Yours truly. xP

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