Saturday, September 11, 2010

Real Life ~ Violin Day

Today's my lucky violin day. =D

I actually forgotten about violin class yesterday. I was so caught up in my own world of music that I forgotten there's violin class the next day, which is today.

Woke up at 9:30AM. Heard no sound so waited for a moment. After peeking out the door, I noticed that the door to my parents' room is... CLOSED. xD I was like, "Oh, man. Fine, 10:30AM it is!" After walking towards the bed, I remembered about violin class. xD "Damn, I can't play at the usual spot! I can't wake up later either," was what I thought at that moment.

So I reluctantly brushed my teeth and got ready. Practised downstairs. I had no choice but to move everything down, the music stand and the books.

Last night, hives was REALLY bad. Bad as in, B-A-D. xD

It's probably thanks to the anime. All the buffering and whatnot. =/ I know I could have waited until the next day to watch but come on, I'm sick of having to wait for it to buffer and load. Sometimes, I even have to refresh page because it suddenly disconnected. I find Youtube better in a way because it's all broken down into parts. The bad thing about it is that you gotta hope that the next part is not taken down or anything. The reason I bothered staying up later to watch was because there's only ONE more episode left.

It was then when the debating in the mind starts.

"I can't sleep late."
"Even when it's just like latest at 1AM?"
"I've been VERY cautious of bedtime. I cannot let the skin condition get any worse!"
"What's the point? In the end, you lay there, eyes wide open and ears straining to catch any sound or music to interpret."
"Even so, by the time mom comes up and turn off all the lights, I may be still awake but the sleepiness would have come already."
"So what? It still took you like forever to knock out!"
"Yeah... But it's better than forcing myself to watch something that may not even end anywhere near 1AM, more like 1AM+. It's bad for the-"
"Shut up! Yeah, sleep is good for the skin but forcing yourself to sleep is bad enough. Just shut up and wait for the anime to load finish!"
"Oh yeah, forgotten... Oh wait, I've been staring at the screen for far too long. T.T"
"Don't gimme that whine, read manga!"
"Oh, alright."

After reading the manga...

"I've read it all but the anime is still NOT done. =["
"Read another one."
"I'm sick of forcing myself to read one when I keep wondering if it's done."
"Then go Youtube!"
"Youtube and manga made the loading slower."
"Argh, can't we just shut up already?"

After awhile, the quarrel repeats again and again.

It went on until I finally watched the episode finish. By then, I was already itching all over.

When I finally hit the pillows, hives already gotten worse than before. I started wondering if it was the "internal debating" that made me get it or that sleeping late makes me get it.

Usually it would be the stress that I add onto myself that made it worse but maybe sleeping late is the cause as well?

Finding the main cause and stopping it will definitely put and end to these hives once and for all (unless I did it again).

Oh well. Back to the topic.

Practice was OK. I cared less about tuning since it was still acceptable and that the bridge will be lowered. It'll be the last time hearing the sound it makes. Lowering it any further will probably change the sound.

I was pretty worried that something will go wrong that would make me have to rush down and get a bridge from the shop. I never carry any money around either... What if one the the strings snapped while removing the bridge? What if lowering it made the sound much worse?

The questions can go on and on but at least the practice resumed. The sound Autumn makes isn't as nice as when it was played upstairs. I guess I am used to hearing it being loud. It's not that it's not loud enough but after playing upstairs in the hallway for so long (not really), I'm used to hearing it much more clearly. Anyways, sorry I won't shut up about something when I start one. xD

Reached class a little bit later. Surprisingly, the student before me didn't take any longer time (which would delay my lesson time). By the time I reached there, it was just a few minutes more till the class starts. My teacher was playing his own violin and waiting already.

Reminded him to lower the bridge. He did it and let me play the keyboard while waiting. I wasn't as needy as when he first lowered the bridge in the first lesson I've ever had there. Besides, I am finally very well aware of my ability/capability. As long as I only have those number of keys to play at home, I will never be able to go beyond that. Thus, there's NOTHING for me to show. Surely a child can play it after practising for a few times for maybe months.

His keyboard didn't have the effect that drags the notes longer so I can't really play much. Thankfully, I could get Autumn back soon.

He tried out the new and improved shorten bridge. It sounded the same to me at first but after awhile, I notice it's... much louder (oh no!). He said that the fingerings have changed so I can't follow the markings anymore. I tried playing and well, it sounded nicer. o.0 Lol. The markings did change a bit but now, instead of playing above the markings, I have to play ON the markings. xD I have to reach further to get the notes right. Oh well, it will improve the finger extension...? I mean, it will improve the finger stretching. It's like a new exercise. xD

The sound is now much more cheerful in a way. It's not as low as before. Not to say that I am completely used to the sound now but it will take time.

Lunch. Homework. A bit of computer after the second "practice". It's not a practice. I initially planned to tune so that the tuning will be stabilized. Surely I wouldn't like to take too much time tuning. =/

I tested it out and showed mom. Mom couldn't tell any difference. She thought that everything was the same. The volume of the violin and the pitch of the violin... To her, everything's the same. xD

It is indeed easier to play the notes but I've been TOO used to having to press hard. Maybe my fingers will get better and become smoother now? xD Or is it too late to recover already? =x

Anyways, my whole of left arm has small bruises all over but it's nothing big. None of the bruises are serious enough to be bandaged. xP

The burnt mark from the Science Lab is still visible on the back of my left hand but it's getting lighter now. At the first glance, you may not be able to notice it. Yay, it's getting better, maybe. =] Or that I am getting darker? Nooooo! I don't wanna get any darker. Lol. Which is why I avoid the Sun. ^^

Hmm, playing violin for the 3rd time of the day already made the neck area hurt all over after dinner. Funny, I used to be able to do more but I guess the desperation has lessened. Even though it has lessened, my determination is no where near disappearing. I HOPE it doesn't disappear and HOPE it stays till my last breath. By then, I MUST have already reached Grade 8 and performed somewhere big. =P

If some of you wonder whether I am still into psychology, my answer will have to be yes. I know very well that I can never live any longer if I stayed in the world of music and fought head on. I can only remain one who plays violin for fun but is still serious. I know I cannot conduct the Orchestra or win any violin competition but I WILL join competitions one day. =] At least reach Grade 5 then join one...?

I'm still Grade 3. Just 2 more until Grade 5. xD

The guy (I suppose the boss) from the music store yesterday told me to do things slowly in order to reach the last grade.

Well, it's pretty hard to slow down but this speed should be good enough.

My teacher wondered if I only needed about 2 months to finish Grade 3. Well, my progress is always changing and the speed is always different. If today's not my violin day, I cannot do anything. Maybe I'm destined to be ruled by my luck and emotions. I've been feeling happy since yesterday. It's true, happiness and sorrow are both the only things that can make my violin respond the best. xD

Alright, I have nothing more to say about Autumn now, not unless you ask about something. xD

Haha, people, if you are not interested in violin AT ALL, please don't read this because you're gonna see the word "violin" so much that you will puke.

Oh well, a tad bit too late to say that now though but... TOO BAD! Hahahahahaha!

For those who stopped reading halfway through, damn, you're so smart. xD

Take care and have fun as usual. =P

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