Saturday, August 21, 2010

Real Life ~ Oops, My Bad!

It really was my bad, the actual title of the book I was talking about in the previous post was "The Hour I First Believed" by Wally Lamb.

I read it this morning and saw the title before reading. Sorry, people. xD Still, it's an amazing book and I am looking forward to reading more of his books. I want to read other books that teaches about psychology too! =P I hope that I remember the author's name correctly this time. xD Haha. I was sure I remembered seeing "Wally Lamb". Heh, my memory really sucks.

Alright, I am going to talk about what happened today like any old diary. In fact, I might as well write it in diary form and pretend that no one's gonna be able to read this at all. =P

Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning many times. Once when it was about only 2:30AM. Twice when the sky was still dark then numerous times as the sky got brighter and brighter.

At 9AM, I could not take it anymore. I just could not sleep. Guess the maximum sleeping time of mine is 9 hours. I took up the big, fat, thick book. The one with the title "The Hour I First Believed" by Wally Lamb. 700+ pages long. Could you believe it? It took me quite awhile to reach 200 nearing 300 pages! I must be getting to be a slow reader though it's not like I am rushing for anything. I am glad that I got to buy more novels from the bookstore not long ago, like last Saturday. Can't remember the date but heck with it.

Stopped reading at about 9:30AM but right before the alarm clock rang. I just pressed the button down before it made too much noise. Sound pollution, you know? Kidding. Went to the bathroom and bla bla bla. Breakfast and then came the long-awaited violin practice. As I marched up the stairs, I had no choice but to enter the "music room" as mom is still asleep and that I cannot play in the hall yet. I would've probably scared the life out of her if I played the violin right there where surround sound is the best at home. xD

Just thinking about how I am unable to wake up as late as I want during the 2 weeks of holiday soon to be approaching made me sigh this morning after placing the violin bag down on the wooden chair. A stable wooden chair for Autumn and a lousy blue plastic chair with no support for the spine. Lol. I must be nuts to take more care of the violin. Besides, to buy another one would mean trouble and more tears. I rather prevent than regret later. xD Back to topic, I sighed after thinking that I cannot wake up anytime I want because I cannot miss my violin practice.

I tuned it and while tuning, I was reluctant to face the Sunday morning tuning. After returning from violin class, the violin will definitely go out of tune. VERY out of tune and also harder to tune back. Thanks to the big change of temperature. Really, how am I to perform at other places if Autumn keeps on going out of tune due to temperature of atmosphere?

Played songs and practised. Nothing much but when I went back into my room to change clothes as my nightie was wet from this morning's face-washing, I saw the door to my parent's room open. That means... I can play outside in the hallway again and will not need to spoil the eyes or feel the heat.

The violin sounded much better. Thank God. =] I would have started worrying if I still played like yesterday (as said in previous post).

I played longer, I guess. This practice is much more satisfying than yesterday.

Good. xD

Went for violin class. Paid the fees for the last month. My teacher taught me stuff and he said I improved really fast for Grade 3. Seems like he only thought of me as officially Grade 3 last week when he handed me his violin book to use while playing. Oh well, I don't care. Just so long I am not dropping grades.

The extra practices helped a whole lot! I soar through those 3 pages and had 2 pages to learn in a week. OK, I should not have added "a week" because it's going to stress me out sooner or later.

Oh yeah, my violinist friend and I made a deal. She will teach me violin whenever possible after the big exam while I teach her English. I hope I am good enough for her as a teacher. Not like I am qualified but oh well. Already started teaching her last night online.

Came home to have my lunch after violin class. Almost forgotten to say, my dad gave me 4 CDs containing classical music. I will gladly rip all of them into the desktop computer and listen to them one by one. Damn, I have too many classical music to listen to now. Which is better because I would not have wanted to be bored to death, wondering what to listen to.

I am starting to wonder whether to delete some anime pictures from desktop computer. Really don't wanna waste any valuable memory space.

Did homework after the bath, which was after lunch.

So... here I am writing my diary.

~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~

Back to blog where I know people can see what I wrote. =D

Lol. No one gonna welcome me back? Sob. T.T So Sad!

Haha, kidding again.

Or not?

So anyways, I may do another post tonight after the shopping trip. Hope it will be a nice shopping trip and not the lame grocery shopping. Really dislike grocery shopping. It gets oh so boring, like Faeces! xD Haha. It's the scientific term for... SHIT! Hah! *Puts on scientists' spectacles while half opening a book with one hand*

Do you know...the world is round? *woah, I didn't know that*

Do you know...we are humans? *woah, I didn't know that*

Do you know...I am talking a bunch of bullshit? *woah, I didn't know that*

Good! Lesson learnt so I will post another time then.

See you later (maybe).

Take care and have fun, you know I just can never stop repeating these words.

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