Friday, August 20, 2010

Real Life ~ Back On Track

Thank goodness, my friend is back again. Yay.

It's ungrateful to say this but I never liked the uncomfortable feeling after getting back together again.

Still, it was a huge relief that she talked to me again. It happened after recess.

Back in class, which we had to change with another, which is also situated on the highest floor, our Maths teacher made sure we sat at our exam places because we never got to when the boys first enter the class.

Once again, thank goodness she befriended me again. Know why? Our Maths teacher somehow made us sit practically next to one another after adjusting our seats by alphabetical order. My friend turned to look at me and faked this funny-looking gasp and said, "Let's discuss our answers."

And... You know what? We did. Throughout the whole exam! We will definitely score an A for that subject!

Just kidding. She and I both know that cheating isn't fun after getting caught though we may be able to pump up our adrenaline with the feel of slight danger while discussing answers. xD To most of us youngsters 'these days', we use the feel of danger as a source of fun, to make life more interesting and not just all work no play.

Anyways, she and I got along fine after that. Even though she did not force me to go to school on Saturday, which is the next day to replace the holiday, I am happy that she did not. Besides, I have violin and I fairly know she and I still need some time to adjust to this situation and start getting along like what we've done for a long time before this conflict came about.

To be precise, for 3 days we've not been very buddy with one another. Still, I went home feeling this warm feeling, feeling like smiling and soaring in the sky. Thanks to that and plus the exhaustion of having to deal with her attitude for the past few days including exams, I played my violin like crap. YAY- NOT! It was OK for the start but after doing the third position for this week, (I've already memorized the short "song" and done my own extra 4th finger for third position practice) I became too bored. Sorry but really, it got boring. Still, I should do more with the extra practice I did by myself because I am not perfect yet. Sadly, I cannot keep doing that exercise on the 4th string (G) of the violin because it really hurt my left arm badly. Thankfully, my arm didn't hurt as much as when I first started the practice. xD

I also found out the way to do double-stopping on my own without watching videos although it doesn't sound nice enough yet. It still screeches. Yikes. Back to topic, I guess I did not do long violin practice today. I was too tired.

Seriously, gotta give in to this exhaustion today. Exams just ended and I just got back to becoming her friend again after 3 nerve-wrecking days, what I need more is sleep than more stress + frustration thanks to the increasingly horrible violin playing. I made more and more mistakes so I stopped in the end.

I did not look at what time I started the practice so I have no idea how long the practice was. Oh well, watched my mom use the computer for a moment and then she and I collapsed on the couch at the same time. I on the three-seater and she on the love couch (a.k.a, two-seater). We both did not sleep. We only talked.

After awhile, she went to mop the floors and told me she did not need help so I went to read a book. I did mainly reading. I know I should be doing more English but just do not have the strength to pick up the electronic dictionary(Ha ha, we are no longer using dictionaries made from trees, see how advanced we've become!).

The story was rather good. Heck, I lied. it was freaking boring. Hah! I lied again. it was like the best matured story ever (do not think dirty though they contain some 'uh-hum' parts).

The book was... *drum rolls* THE FIRST HOUR I BELIEVED by WALLY LAMB! *confetti dropping*

I hope I got the title right though, I wrote the title right from mind instead of double checking. Once again, forgive me for my laziness (again).

Hmm, I hardly use the "strikethrough" effect.

Might as well use it now:

I am not ugly.

Har har hardy har har. Lol. Muahahahahaha. Hehehehehehe. Kekekekekeke. Lolololololol. ROFL. LAWL.

Kidding. The laugh was too exaggerated. xD

Damn, I must be nuts. I thought I would not write a long post like yesterday but in the end, I wrote a long one, like yesterday's. This is really ridiculous, I am too... TALKATIVE online! xD Guess I take it out on non-living things when it comes to giving opinions, I hardly spoke out in real life so this is what happens. Besides, because of my true nature, being born as an easily-distracted yet not easily distracted listener, I became an observer. I observe and ... Actually, because something distracted me, I somehow forgotten what I wanted to say. So I am going to get to the point, I love writing.

It did not take me long to realize but it took me 15 years to realize how I came to like writing. Ha ha.

Anyways, I am going to shut up now. Bye everyone for now.

Take care and have fun~!

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