Thursday, December 1, 2011

Real Life ~ What I've Decided

In one of the recent posts, if any of you remember, I said about being absolutely confused and depressed.

True, I AM still like that but after days and possibly weeks of thinking, I've come to a few conclusions and resolutions. Maybe no one will agree with all of them. Maybe some of you think I find unnecessary things to ponder about. Maybe some of you think I have got nothing better to do.

Whatever it is, I am still going on with mentioning them~ Because I'm annoying like that. ;)

1. I'll try to go to UK to further my studies after studying in the local college.
2. I'll choose courses like English Language, English Literature (sometimes they are joined together) and also Creative Writing/Professional Writing (so far it's been known as Creative Writing and it seemed pretty interesting).
3. If possible, join a music society or club while studying in college/universities.
4. I'm not suitable to be married to anyone so... perhaps going back to square one is still the best. That means I will try to live a single life. (I call it "square one" because I've made up my mind about that almost 2 years ago when I was extremely lost and confused.) Lonely? Nope, Just buy those 7 cats and a talking parrot... JUST KIDDING! I'll find ways to love my own company and occupy myself like what I'm doing now.

Regarding the 4th one, it's not urgent or anything now but I like fantasizing about the unknown future when I'm not worrying about it (though it the fantasizing LEADS to worrying).

Since I'm so dependent and all, I must learn to show people I can live alone. I'm taking this now as an informal personal challenge. This also means that I do not have to be too serious about this challenge and that if I really come across someone who is able to take all my nonsense, maybe I'll change my mind.

Still, it's unfair for the person because I always bring trouble.

I have more to say about my negative traits but I'm just going to leave it there. (>.<)

As for my ambition, it will definitely have something to do with the courses I've already mentioned. After all, as many have already said, English is widely used in various fields and jobs.

Fine, my English isn't good enough but that doesn't mean I didn't try~ It is my one and only hope left...

Not sure if I've ever said this before but I would love to continue playing the violin and perform more in public~

Come to think of it, I would want a house with a special room meant for violin and piano practice~ If possible, a sound-proof room so no one will be disturbed at all sorts of hours.

It's not cheap but seriously, sometimes (possibly most of the time), I feel like taking my violin out to play for fun. Because of having to be considerate and to think about the family members and neighbours, I got no choice but to wait for the moment I wake up - which lately, I am either too lazy or stiff to go and take everything out. =x

Even so, I took out my violin to play for "awhile" in the morning today... Around 8AM+... =x

Not such a great time but you know what? My neighbours make MORE noise and sometimes they are the ones waking me up. xD

Just a bit of "pay back time" would be fair, right? ;P

There was one time in the starting of this year where I had to shorten my violin practice. =/ Came home late from cousin's house. My lil cousin bro still wanted to talk to me so he phoned me and wouldn't hang up even when I've taken the violin out already. After he finally hung up, I could only play for a short time. Can't recall how short but it definitely ain't 1 hour and 30 minutes. *pouts*

Right, done blabbering~

Take care and have fun, people~!

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