Saturday, November 26, 2011

Real Life ~ Sweet Dreams...

Woke up sick.
What's new?
*looks around searching for something different*

Well, I found one.

Yesterday, I was reading this manga called "Conductor". Although I was not able to see as many musical instruments as I wanted, I could not help reading on. Psst, probably entranced by the beauty of a violinist in the manga. ;) Oh yeah, in case you're thinking that I'm some common, perverted guy, I am NOT a guy at all! xD

Fine, THAT was not new but the latest news comes later! xD Saving the best for last. ;P

After reading until almost the latest chapter of the manga "Conductor", I started fantasizing. I pictured myself as one of the violinists in an orchestra. It doesn't have to be the first chair.

In the manga, a group of friends from the orchestra got along fine - except one scene which caught me off guard. To tell the truth, I stopped fantasizing about being in an orchestra months ago because I have to be realistic and know that not everyone gets along.

Too bad, reality isn't in my fantasy right now. xD

I just like playing the violin and making music with people. Well, I know that I cannot get to choose which piece and that I will not be able to sync well all the time but that doesn't stop me from dreaming...

All in all, it was a sweet dream/fantasy to me... =3

Right, back to the 'latest news'! ^^

In case you're really curious, here's a hint: Violin.

No, I didn't get a new violi-

Right, sorry, gotta stop being so long-winded. Hehe~

Was going out on a usual shopping trip with my parents.

We went to a shopping complex that reopened just not long ago. It had to close down for about 2 months due to some serious reasons.

Although I didn't find that place interesting at first, I came to love it in the end even though it doesn't really have anything that attracts my attention. The atmosphere there was what made me happy there. =)

Of course the atmosphere's pretty much gone now but maybe it'll come back.

On the top floor, we saw a music shop. What caught my attention was obviously none other than the VIOLIN~ They sold cellos too. 2 only though.

We went into the shop to have a look. The colours of the violins were mainly dark but I LOVE dark-coloured violins anyways!^^

A salesman (also the owner of the shop) came to ask if I would like to try playing.

His English was not very good but I liked that he didn't sound like a know-it-all like the rest of the salesmen in music shops! *Laughs*

The fact that he didn't know much about violins was proven the moment I held the violin. The strings were really loose (obviously not tuned) and the bow he gave me was tiny (meant for smaller violins). That was the only bow available for demo at that time (but I am sure he wouldn't mind taking them out if I asked).

Oh, another thing: either no rosin or not enough rosin was applied.

They took quite awhile to hand me a tuner (*blush* Yes, yes, I know I suck at tuning!). I had a hard time tuning because it was my first time tuning without the 3 fine tuners for the G,D and A string.

I roughly tuned them and then started to try out. Gah, E string was the hardest to tune! Kept staying at D#!

Of course I chose to play "Adoration" by Felix Borowski. xD I couldn't play properly because 1) It's not really in tune but good enough to recognize the notes. and 2) Not enough rosin or no rosin, remember? (I haven't asked for a cake of it to apply yet at that time)

Finally, when asked how was it, I told them the bow's short but that's not really the problem and that the rosin was the main problem. How I managed to draw out those notes were beyond my explanation. xD Must've been a miracle. *Looks up and search for the holy light*

When I was playing, some from outside watched me playing. Some went into the shop and a girl stood watching me. I wish I could explain to them that I do not normally play that...badly. xD

A different person (probably the wife of the salesman) passed me a cake of rosin. I applied 6 times. I wanted to do more rounds (like what you're supposed to do for a new, unused bow) but it's not like I would be able to play any better coz of the tuning problem. =x

It sounded better and it was easier to play... Only 2 problems left... I suck at using short bows (Here are 2 excuse I came up with: I didn't start violin from when I was a lil' kid and I'm just not good enough) and it was not in tune (as I've already repeated over and over...).

They talked about having music lessons there too so they showed my mom and I around.

I couldn't resist it and sat on the piano bench playing. I played softly. I was definitely NOT used to playing a proper piano. =x Haven't played the piano ever since Autumn (my violin) moved in with me.

The moment I wake up, I play the violin when I felt like it.
The moment I had to take a bath, I now play the violin more than stealing a few minutes reading a book.
The moment I come back from shopping, I sometimes take out the violin to play (like what I did today).

I always stared at Olive (my MINI keyboard), wanting to play but I know I can never go any further... The limited range of keys is one of the problems and... I haven't seen a piano sheet music for a long time (Well, fine, I saw it last week but it was used to play the violin).

The people there thought I was good at the violin. They thought I was talented and that I belonged in the path of music.

That was what I desired back then but now, it's just a fantasy. *smiles ruefully*

They found it amazing that I could play piano too but little did they know I am actually not good at it...

They knew about me learning piano ever since I was a kid. They also knew that I started violin last year and am Grade 7 (actually already completed Grade 7). They knew my age.

Just like that, without having seen me actually playing both instruments, they thought I was talented.

*scratches head* I know not to be big-headed and start believing them totally but since I do not receive compliments like these every day, I'd love to feel happy hearing them. ^^

So that was my 'latest news'. Pathetic, maybe. =x

Take care and have fun, everyone~!^^

I hope I have happy news to tell instead of the usual depressing topics... Unless depressing topics are more interesting to you? ;P

Psst, I can see through you...

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