Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dreams~ Overseas

This is just what I dreamt of last night and I hope you know that I am not writing this to offend or badmouth anything and anyone.
I'm finally studying in UK! I am really happy and excited. People around me are cautious though... That is because it seems like some sort of riot has been going on recently...

My mom and I were walking around in a city, exploring the wonderful country. Despite our enthusiasm, we had to be careful because of the reason mentioned earlier.

At first, I didn't feel scared or worried at all but as we walked, fear started spreading through my body, causing my nerves to be tense. The fear made me shudder at times. The slightest noise might have made me jump.

We were approaching a park but I sensed that something wasn't right. We had to walk along this extremely narrow railings to get to the park. The grass was really green and healthy. The Sun was out too but surprisingly, it didn't make us all sweat or complain about the heat. The next bit here really caught us unaware...We saw a lion. That's right,  a lion. A FREAKING lion! Not caged, not tied up - entirely free, and if both of us are stupid enough, we'd walk closer towards the park and get gobbled up before we know it.

We froze for a moment. After a few seconds, I turned back and pushed mom to quickly move. She argued with me that I could have just went out from the front as I was already near the end of where the railings stopped for people to enter the park. I was like, "Are you CRAZY?! The lion will definitely see us!"

We argued more as we ran for our lives. We tried to run to the other end of the park in order to get to where we were heading. I wasn't sure where mom wanted us to go next. As we run, we ran past a suspicious looking man. He might have been a homeless man but he sure gave us a sort of look...

Finally, we reached the other end of the park. The park was huge and luckily, there was a fence diving the wide park. All because of the fence, I wasn't so scared anymore and this reckless side of me brought my legs closer to the fence. Mom was shouting at me to call me back.

I knew I wasn't supposed to be doing that but I felt like being wild... I approached the fence knowing that the lion could have easily damaged the fence and kill every one of us in this side of the park. There were some people sitting on the grass reading while listening to their cell phone or iPod. Many young guys around my age were playing. Several kids ran around playing tag as their mothers watched them.

The lion was still too far even when I've gotten pretty close to the fence and as if a switch inside of me flicked, I suddenly 'woke up', realizing what a stupid thing I was doing. I turned back and went to where my mom was calling me from.

Mom started scolding non-stop. Instead of listening to her, I watched the boys playing. Some faces were familiar and suddenly, sadness washed over me. There wasn't any good reason for the sudden feelings of sorrow.

Again, the next thing I did was not what I could explain. I suddenly told mom loud enough for the boys to hear about what I thought about myself. "I feel that I'm really ugly. I feel useless all the time and that I always let people down no matter how hard I tried." As I was spilling my thoughts, I recalled a paper I'd written in the past (In real life, this happened in an old dream).

A familiar boy was right behind us and started saying something nasty to me. What he said was about me too... I did not defend myself. Mom and I just walked off without saying a word to him, nor to one another. It was as if nothing happened but I was sure that our minds were occupied with anything other than what I just said...

We returned to our dorm. This dorm is the size of a house and it looked every bit like mine right now.

The moment we entered, the living room was there. Dad was watching the TV, his back was facing us.

He heard us enter and greeted us.

Mom decided to go out again to get us dinner.

Dad and I watched the TV. It was kind of boring as nothing interesting was on.

I started to look through my messenger bag and that was when dad came to me with a piece of paper.

What startled me was the fact that the paper he just put in front of my face was the one I'd written in the past! I truly didn't remember bringing it with me. I thought I had lost it!

It was really embarrassing... Most of my innermost thoughts were written there. I've never told anyone about it either!

After what seemed like eternity, mom finally came back with dinner. She was laughing as she opened the door. In came 2 beautiful ladies after mom. Mom explained to us that they're our dorm mates.

The dorm mates were friendly. I didn't get to know their names. I was really shy but I greeted them anyways.

Mom was really excited. She talked endlessly about the varieties of food available.

Guess what she got me... A bowl of spaghetti in watery bolognese sauce. I said "watery" because I could see water with a bit of the sauce. Mom stirred the soup and what she said next frightened me more...

"Doesn't it look delicious? I knew you like soup and spaghetti so I got this specially for you! Go on, eat it up!"

She actually said it with a SMILE! She really meant it when I stared at her with my jaws dropped.

She then gave me a weird look as she tilted her head.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Uh, n-nothing!" I started eating...

The scene changed into a posh and crowded shopping complex.

Dad, mom and I were in an incredibly huge food court. People were everywhere and it was pretty noisy.

We were looking at how a chef made some sort of dish. It was really hard to see what the chef was doing because so many people were in front and we were all right at the back.

Not interested, I looked around me and spotted the 2 dorm mates not far from us. They were also checking out the places in UK.

They waved at me and even my parents turned back to wave back at them.

The scene abruptly changed into an extremely cold, windy and gloomy place. Leaves were blowing about. The street was empty. We walked past a bus stop.

That was where we separated. My family and I decided to go to a zoo. The 2 dorm mates left to go somewhere else.

At the zoo, the weather suddenly became really hot. We all were sweating and the bright Sun made us have trouble keeping our eyes opened.

We saw wild animals free to roam about but they all stayed in a huge group as if they were really caged up.

I was really wondering how come none ever attacked us. No one else besides my family and I were at the zoo.

We saw weird animals... I think they extinct already...

After that, we went into a souvenir shop and...

The best, unexpected bit just appeared~

We came across a large section selling anime merchandise! I wouldn't be surprised if the store owner told me they sell ALL titles.

Knowing that I would stay there for hours and that the total amount of things I wanted to buy would be countless, I moved ahead.

We met up with the 2 dorm mates again. They were fascinated so they stayed on to look at the posters being sold there. They told me that it was their first time seeing these things. They didn't know what 'anime' and 'manga' were.

My parents were surprised that I didn't stay on to look at all the stuff. Mom questioned me but knowing that they'd turn back after hearing my reasons, I kept quiet. I didn't want to trouble anyone.

They walked behind me, still surprised.

Every step I took increased the feeling of regret deep within me...

That's right, I love being in a place filled with anime and manga related stuff even though I cannot afford all.

Just as we turned into another section, there goes my last hope!

A small section for key chains of  all sorts of anime.

Naruto, Bleach, Death Note and everything!

A packet of various key chains got my attention. It was a nice Naruto key chain but there were others from other animes too!

I saw Death Note, Bleach, Kimi ni Todoke and many others.

Then, I thought of who would like which key chain as a present~


Take care and have fun, everyone~!^^

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