Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Real Life ~ My Super Sweet 16...?

Yes, the question mark is not a lie. I do love most of my birthday today though. ^^

Woke up annoyed because I was disturbed by this noisy mosquito. I suffocated myself with the blanket. After awhile, the blanket didn't stay sealed tight around me and that was when I heard the mosquito's irritating buzz again. =/ I wrapped the blanket around me tightly again. This time I really had trouble breathing. Is it possible for people to die of suffocation from their own blankets...? So I felt really warm and I haven't switched on the air-conditioner for days since I have been feeling chilly lately. I hope the air-conditioner does not spoil. T.T

It was about 4AM+ when that mosquito disturbed my sleep. Damn it.

Finally it was 6AM. So quick that I do not think I even got a wink of sleep ever since that uninvited guest annoyed the Hell out of me. >=[

I almost screamed when I looked into the mirror. I thought I saw a ghost but it turned out to be myself, just paler than usual. I suppose there was not enough sleep...? Urgh. Why of all days must I go to school looking so pale and sickly on my own birthday? It makes me such a pathetic and sad character! xD

My nose was like a fountain this morning. Argh... I felt like it was the end of the world as long as I have this nose with me. =/

Went to school feeling chilly and sick.

Teachers lectured a lot when we had to line up before going into our classes. I was sweating like crap and wanted to wipe my face with a thousand tissues. Breath left me since I reached school so I was totally breathless. I was almost lifeless when I reached the top floor where my class is. @.@

My friend, who was sick and had to go home during school yesterday, is still sick today. So today, she stared at me with a surprised look. After all, I was kinda lively yesterday. Gasping and panting, trying to get more air in than out. That moment was really agonizing. It's as if asthma attack came but it's not as bad as asthma. Dx

In English class, we had to go into groups again. I was absolutely sick but I tried my best to contribute more to the group. The whole time, my snot threatened to drip. Ugh, I know, it's disgusting but when you're this sick, what can you do?

As for Moral class, the girl who sat on my left finally seem to have more enthusiasm. She talked to me more than before.

My friend in Moral class promised to eat with one another in the canteen after school because we gotta stay back for EST. =S

During recess, my class's new student who transferred from another class moved her table to beside me. My friend who is sick did not seem all too pleased though when she found out after recess...

It was pretty fun sitting next to my new friend. She sat beside me yesterday after my friend left school to go home and recover since she sits beside no one most of the time. We had a good time. Even though I spoke my broken Chinese with her, it was possible to communicate. xD

Skip straight to after school.

My new friend went to the canteen first. My Moral class friend went down to the canteen already. Slowly, the bench group went into my classroom except one person. I received a BIG gift (more like gifts - plural) from my violinist friend and cute gifts from my pianist friend. Received a great book that I've always wanted to read but couldn't really buy because of the price.

I was extremely overwhelmed but my sickness and worry for being late for EST made me unable to show my true emotion. The shock was so great I could not even show how surprised I was. Oh no, I am emotionless at times where facial expressions are needed. What do I do? xD

Really did not know what to say but only hugged and thanked the people who gave me gifts. I was REALLY shy so I'd feel better sitting beside my Moral class friend to eat. There were complications. At first I invited my moral class friend over to join the bench group to eat in the canteen but someone else took the table beside. In the end, I ate lunch with my moral class friend and her friend, who's my new friend today. xD

To be honest, the one who didn't enter my class after school didn't seem pleased to be around me. I suppose I sat beside my moral class friend so that she can cool down or something, even if she said something mean about me. She gave me a cute Snoopy key chain to me this morning though. :D

EST class was dismissed after there were too many students for the teacher to handle. She said we can choose either Tuesday or Wednesday only. I really do not look forward to separation with my friends... =S

I'm really tired now. Tomorrow's a holiday. Only 1 day though. I still have school on Saturday... Damn.

Here are what I received as gifts:

a pink teddy bear
a book (For One More Day by Mitch Albom)
3 pairs of earrings
1 Snoopy key chain
1 key chain with my name on
1 lucky clover necklace
2 KitKat
2 Crunchies chocolate
1 pack of birthday stickers
1 note written from my each of my violinist & pianist friend
1 gigantic lollipop


I could not get through the phone when I called my mom to pick me up earlier. So... I stayed at the canteen doing my homework with my friends. =S

Went back home and did not practise violin. I was getting slightly better from the flu. It's best if I do not practise because I will most likely get all worked up from the mistakes made and frustration.

Did more homework after bath back at home. Got the chance to really see what my gifts were. xD

The earrings were so shiny. One of the 3 pairs looked like musical notes. xD

I hope I will be able to repay their birthday gifts this year. Wishing they'd love their gifts.

Alright. Gonna stop writing and publish this post now!

Take care and have fun~!^^

P.S, my class monitor wished me happy birthday when he knew my birthday from looking at my IC number.

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