Monday, June 28, 2010

Real Life ~ Emotional Outburst

School started OK though I almost forgotten to wear my spectacles to school. xD Would have been blind as a bat if I did not bother stopping dad as he was reversing out of the house.

I was sickly in the morning. Sneezing and snuffling non-stop. Really annoying. xD Could hardly concentrate and had to take the pills in the end. Hives was bad too from the time I woke up this morning. =S

I think the pills did something to me. It did not exactly made me feel sleepy but made me really negative and pessimistic. I was annoyed ever so easily after school but it started after recess.

Our assistant monitor was asked by our ever so useless homeroom teacher who did nothing much but only commanded us to do everything about the upcoming school carnival to divide our class into groups so we can discuss about what we can sell for the pre-carnival sale.

My friends and I were grouped together with those bunch of female dogs and about one or more b'tards. It didn't seem so bad until their mouths start to open. See? This is why other people and I agree that it's sometimes better to do things alone because people all have different opinions and when they lose it, they will start bickering. Sorry, I am just not OK today. Maybe with the whole girl thing and also pill kicking in.

I didn't bother giving ideas. Not like I have that much anyways. I do not feel like handling the female dogs. I just let others do the things and let them ask me if there's anything they want from me though money is a bit of a problem now. Well, I am not going into any details about money problem. I just didn't want them making me sponsor too much money. Like I said, problems. It's not a fake excuse.

In the end, I just end up being the seller but this news was told to me after almost the whole day ended. I was pretty pissed with the whole carnival.

It's a big wonder but at first I cried about the money problem thing and then I could not stop my tears during lunch after the cry in the car. A silent cry all the whole while of course.

My tears were like waterfall and by then, I really did not know why I was crying. My feelings were somehow deeply hurt but not because of the reason given earlier! Finally it stopped but the anime played on TV went like a shooting star, blur and fast, like nothing happened. Oh well...

I planned to cry more before bath time but then mom was ironing clothes in the so-called music room. I could not but at least the tears earlier really saved me.

Even though I said that I would not cry anymore, I just didn't have the strength to feel determined not to cry. Just thank goodness the tears really helped.

For the whole day, I almost cried but could stop in time. Mom said it's probably the pills making me like that. Not only that but it's probably because of well, girl's thing. ;P No point going into details, right? Lol. I am not even ashamed at all. This pills did give me an extra thick armour to protect the weakling inside of me today though. During the whole of BM tuition, I was like this scary girl who could not smile, a girl who no one could see through(maybe) and that no one dares to confront.

I cannot say I feel proud of it but just happy I am not feeling so nerdy anymore before I changed the spectacles. Now I have more confidence even though still lack of them. One day I will gain more...slowly. xD

Alright, I think you readers have endured enough crap so I will shut up for now.

Take care and have fun as always~!^^

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