Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Real Life ~ Update From The Last To Today

I admit that the titles are getting lamer and boring but it's not like I bother to think up a good one. xD

Sorry to those who thought whatever I said just now somehow offended you. It's not like I always share same opinion with you guys so hopefully you get the meaning.

Anyways, I cannot say that I have been an absolute angel recently. I have been very, very human deep inside. I will not let outsiders know what I really thought about certain people. Only my mother knows but maybe not everything. Haha.

Yes, I am a teenager and I prefer keeping things inside these days. I do not feel like showing my true emotions even though they sometimes escape. I am still acting indifferent. It's better in a way anyway... since that chronic urticaria is still going on. 7th month if I have not mistaken. xD

Still gonna say this: if this chronic urticaria stays up to 12 months (1 year), I will celebrate and play my violin to show how serious I am. Lol. xD

For the 2 weeks of holidays after the mid-term exams, I cannot say I fully enjoy myself or fully stress myself out. xD I still kept a strict promise of morning practice and to wake up at 9:30AM and start the practice latest by 10AM. I never broke that promise at all until that one stupid trip to Genting. =[

I watched lots of anime and read manga. I came to love Romeo and Juliet. Well, more like the anime version (RomeoxJuliet). So if anyone googled "romeoxjuliet", the person might probably get to see my blog. xD Well, that is, if they went pages after pages of results for link or whatever. As you should know, I am not like the other popular people in my class and now I give up and admit that I will never be them and I do not want to join them, my blog is not popular either and I do not have many readers and this will not make my blog really appear much if it is googled. xD

Oh yeah, talking about Romeo and Juliet, for the anime, I love the OP song a lot! I am going to try out the "You Raise Me Up" on violin solo. I guess I cannot get the full sheet music for it so I will just do it by ear (again). xD

I hope that my version will be OK and more accurate. xD

I am very happy with my latest violin class. I finally got to learn vibrato! =D Yes, it is like one of the most frequently used skill so this is what I am looking for the most ever since I started violin. I cannot say I am perfect at it until my violin teacher says so. It's not perfect all the time as my arm gets tired. To be truthful, my left arm still hurts from shaking to get that vibrato effect. T.T

xD At least got to learn within this year when I just started. I guess I should be grade 3 by now. But I will not have high hopes since my teacher is forgetful and since I do not learn theory now, I do not go by grades. xD But I still wanna know what position am I currently in.

I know I am (was) Grade 2 and if I can play that Grade 3 song, that should make me grade 3 right? xD A hopeful thought from a dreamer. xD

I also learned how to do a new bow without bouncing the bow when I do that. It should be something I asked when I just learned about it but then I never totally remember to or have the courage to.

Went shopping last Saturday and walked past Yamaha Music Shop. My mom said she overheard this girl saying to her mother how she wanted to learn violin and her mom told her how she needed interest and the initiative to really learn. It's one of a way to say no and warn the girl. =[ I know how the girl feels. I had the same reply from my mom before dad agreed to let me take up violin.

It still makes me wonder why dad let me learn but I am very glad I got this once in a lifetime chance to do so. I am still interested in it. I will not lie to you about having almost want to quit before but now I am getting more and more determined. As long as I keep learning new skills and harder songs to keep me occupied, I will not feel like quitting even though I still hate my past for quitting piano. I still regret quitting music before. I still felt that I have missed out a lot but I do not want to keep feeling this way. But because of this, I may be able to do better when I play a sad song. I still cannot totally play with feelings yet but one day I will fix that.

Alright, I do not feel like talking anymore. So bye for now until the next time I blog. Hopefully you readers enjoy (whether anyone's there or not).

My usual last wish: have fun and take care!

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