Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dreams ~ Just Like Real Life In A Way

These were my latest dreams~ ;P

It is like any normal school day but today, something made me think that today is a different day.

Having finally fulfilled one of my dreams (or more like, secret desires), I brought my violin along today. Whether I will be playing or not, I do not know and neither do I care.

You see, all I ever wanted was to have Autumn by my side to cuddle and to make me feel confident even though I know I will never be good enough.

As expected, people stared and some plucked up the courage to ask me.

It was not really the attention that I wanted but more like the feeling of knowing that my beloved violin is with me.

I did not let go of my violin throughout the whole time in class. Recess finally came and my friends from other class came to find me. They asked me why I brought Autumn to school and as I was telling them, I opened the violin case.

The "violin" before me gave the shock of my life. My actual violin is gone! What's left in my bag is this hideous-looking thing made up of weird stuff just so it would look like a violin. I couldn't believe what's happening... Before I know it, I found my legs carrying me to the teacher's room to ask for help. I was desperate. Desperate to recover my precious violin. Desperate to get my beloved healer back. Autumn always made me feel better even though the reason for my frustration, anger and sorrow may sometimes be her. Autumn is my one and only violin... I cannot let her leave my side. Not now, not ever!

The discipline teacher was handling my case as the other teachers were eavesdropping.

Suddenly, my 2 friends came after me saying something. I rushed back to class, thinking I could reunite with Autumn again but instead, they led me to one of my classmate's drawer. They pointed at the opened wrapper with a creamy cookie inside. In my mind, I was like, what the hell...?

Since I'm already in class, I decided not to go back to the teachers.

I spent the whole time searching everybody's drawer and started to wish I didn't give in to my stupid dream.


Another boring school day. In the morning, I reached the school when it's still quite dark. I settled down on a bench where my friends and I usually meet up with one another in the morning. A quiet, timid girl who's in the group of friends and I waited for the others to arrive. She asked me if I wanted to go to the toilet (as in asking me to accompany her in a way). I said no and after some time, I came to realize I needed to go myself but didn't say anything to her.

Not long after, another girl (a.k.a, the friend who used to be my classmate last year) came. She's usually late for school but today, she surprised us. She also asked if I wanted to go to the toilet. Having just said no not long ago, I decided to just wait until class starts.

After I've thought of that, my pretty friend and her group of friends came to ask whether I wanted to go to the toilet. This time, I agreed because there's so many of us.

It was like a journey. Pretty fun too even though I was tagging along behind with them with the timid girl.

Oh, by "journey", I meant it because my school has lots of toilets and even at places we hardly go to. We were trying to find a toilet that's open and available. We soon realized that many other girls were desperate to get to the toilet too.

Every time we run into a closed toilet, we say, "Nope, it's closed." and then followed by mumblings of disapproval, complaining about the school and the stupidity of the people in charge.

We eventually came across an available toilet. The toilet itself was weird. You see, the entrance itself leads to a cubicle and from that cubicle, there's another door to get to where the usual sinks and other cubicles are.

The timid girl and I were the last to come out of the toilet. Many girls were in the toilet and they did not hesitate to cut lines.

By the time she and I got out, we were searching for our group of friends. They disappeared...

I found them all the way downstairs sitting at a table. They occupied 2 tables: One for them to hang out and the other for them to put our cosplay costumes. (*Shrugs* Hey, don't ask me. I do not know how weird could this dream get.)

I pointed at where they were to show the timid girl so that she would stop worrying.

As she and I were getting closer to them, I asked the timid girl why did they bring all the things down.

By the time we reached their table, my pretty friend and her group of friends had to leave for some reason. Even the timid girl followed them.

I was left with my ex-classmate. There was nothing but this awkward silence. She broke the silence first by standing up and yelling at me.

"Why can't you be grateful that we got everybody's stuff down? Huh? Why are you always like this?! I can never understand you! You're never -"
"Woah, hold up! I didn't say I ain't grateful! I was grateful for the trouble you all took to bringing our stuff down and-"
"Then why can't you just shut up and be grateful without saying anything?"

My thought flashed back to the time I was questioning the timid girl. Desperation got a hold of me as I wished hard to clear this misunderstanding. Nothing worked out no matter how I tried to convince her I was grateful and touched by the trouble they took to getting both the timid girl's and my stuff down.


That was what I dreamt~

For the first dream, it's true I often thought of bringing my violin along to cuddle but that dream increased my worries of losing it. I do worry that these kind of things happen when I bring my violin out anywhere... I'm thinking I should lock the violin case if I ever bring it out anywhere except for attending violin lessons.

As for the second dream, there ain't any quiet and timid girl in my group of friends. Well, there's one but she didn't look anything like the one in my dream. xD

Not everything about the school was true but damn, they DO lock the toilets!

I'd say the adventure/journey is fun too even if it meant tagging along behind the crowd - because that's normal for me in real life already. xD

I actually dreamt of cosplaying as Hei from Darker Than Black. @.@ It must have been the night before when I looked at a cosplayers of Hei online. xD

Lastly, I was like, Bloody hell! the moment I woke up from that little misunderstanding. It was pretty much like that in real life but... to dream about something similar to that? My goodness, these situations will keep on haunting me! xD

Oh yeah, I am often misunderstood like that... These dreams just seem to show real things that happen but just not in that way. Awesome, right? =P

Take care and have fun, people~!^^

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