Monday, June 28, 2010

Real Life ~ Emotional Outburst

School started OK though I almost forgotten to wear my spectacles to school. xD Would have been blind as a bat if I did not bother stopping dad as he was reversing out of the house.

I was sickly in the morning. Sneezing and snuffling non-stop. Really annoying. xD Could hardly concentrate and had to take the pills in the end. Hives was bad too from the time I woke up this morning. =S

I think the pills did something to me. It did not exactly made me feel sleepy but made me really negative and pessimistic. I was annoyed ever so easily after school but it started after recess.

Our assistant monitor was asked by our ever so useless homeroom teacher who did nothing much but only commanded us to do everything about the upcoming school carnival to divide our class into groups so we can discuss about what we can sell for the pre-carnival sale.

My friends and I were grouped together with those bunch of female dogs and about one or more b'tards. It didn't seem so bad until their mouths start to open. See? This is why other people and I agree that it's sometimes better to do things alone because people all have different opinions and when they lose it, they will start bickering. Sorry, I am just not OK today. Maybe with the whole girl thing and also pill kicking in.

I didn't bother giving ideas. Not like I have that much anyways. I do not feel like handling the female dogs. I just let others do the things and let them ask me if there's anything they want from me though money is a bit of a problem now. Well, I am not going into any details about money problem. I just didn't want them making me sponsor too much money. Like I said, problems. It's not a fake excuse.

In the end, I just end up being the seller but this news was told to me after almost the whole day ended. I was pretty pissed with the whole carnival.

It's a big wonder but at first I cried about the money problem thing and then I could not stop my tears during lunch after the cry in the car. A silent cry all the whole while of course.

My tears were like waterfall and by then, I really did not know why I was crying. My feelings were somehow deeply hurt but not because of the reason given earlier! Finally it stopped but the anime played on TV went like a shooting star, blur and fast, like nothing happened. Oh well...

I planned to cry more before bath time but then mom was ironing clothes in the so-called music room. I could not but at least the tears earlier really saved me.

Even though I said that I would not cry anymore, I just didn't have the strength to feel determined not to cry. Just thank goodness the tears really helped.

For the whole day, I almost cried but could stop in time. Mom said it's probably the pills making me like that. Not only that but it's probably because of well, girl's thing. ;P No point going into details, right? Lol. I am not even ashamed at all. This pills did give me an extra thick armour to protect the weakling inside of me today though. During the whole of BM tuition, I was like this scary girl who could not smile, a girl who no one could see through(maybe) and that no one dares to confront.

I cannot say I feel proud of it but just happy I am not feeling so nerdy anymore before I changed the spectacles. Now I have more confidence even though still lack of them. One day I will gain more...slowly. xD

Alright, I think you readers have endured enough crap so I will shut up for now.

Take care and have fun as always~!^^

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Real Life ~ Sudden Melancholy?

The day started out OK. I woke up at 9:30AM. I can never ever wake up any time I want ever since that 2 weeks of holidays with strict practice rules. It would be a waste if I could not practice more and also, I might become too tired or too rushed to practice after the homework and all so that's why I have to make violin practice come first. It's so I do not freak out like that Genting trip. =S

I refused to go out for breakfast with mom and dad. It's no surprise. After all, before I took up violin, I used to wake up late and stay at home just to play with the computer. I remember how I mainly used the computer the last time. If it's not the computer, it's reading. Now that I think about it, my life back then was more free but sometimes seem like there's no life. Even though my life now with the violin practice and all, it may be stressful like I have no life too because it would look as if I am forcing myself to do a lot just for the violin, I still do not want to end this journey.

Violin is like the hardest instrument to learn. It has a singing voice. A soprano I guess. xD Along with alto...?(since there is the G string where the middle C is) It may just be a simple plank of wood with strings but it can do semitones that cannot be played on piano. There are cool skills to use while playing violin too. This is why I am fascinated with it. Violin can make your ears sharper. And... the violin bag is cuddly...? Lol. Well, that's what I do whenever I hold the bag up. I just cannot resist hugging it. And when I take the violin out to tune before playing, I sometimes hug it. Haha.

Call me crazy or anything but I am in love and obsessed with the violin. It's better in a way because if I were to be in love with a human, I would have to worry he will cheat on me and everything. I would be heartbroken when something goes wrong and angry when he pissed me off. Or before anything happens, what if the guy never likes me back and this thing became an unrequited love? That's painful too. Now that my hands are on my violin (Autumn), I can take it out and play without people taking it from me. After all, Autumn's mine and should not betray me in any way. I will not wish for another violin either even though people call mine just a beginner violin. I still think Autumn is special because her (yes, I put Autumn's gender as a girl and go ahead and call me a sicko or lesbian) true colour cannot be captured perfectly on camera and can only be captured perfectly with eyes. The sound Autumn makes is beautiful and once you get the hang of playing violins, it's pretty comfortable. xD

Alright, I think I just got sidetracked. Lol. Sorry, people. I can never shut up once I talk about violin. I would start talking about everything I know like violins are goddesses. Haha. Where was I again?

Oh yes. The violin practice. xD Once again I apologize so anyways, I practiced for 1 hour only. I was hungry by the time 11AM came. I ate but it was not much. Whatever I ate was my lunch. xD My breakfast is the usual boring drink. Chocolate flavoured but I've drunk it for years that my taste buds are completely numb to that taste. I always purposely drink less of it in order to not be late for practice. After all, I will not be sure of when I will have to stop the practice when something unexpectedly happens. *rolls eyes* Yikes, I hope my eyeballs do not drop out from the eye rolling. Lol.

I switched on the computer to surf the net for a moment while chatting with my best friend (one of my best friends xD and yes, I feel lucky to have more than 1 best friend). I took a bath at about 1PM. Did homework after the bath. Oh, what dreadful moment. I always hate when homework time comes. Please, give me a break, what I am scared of is when I am given something really tough to do and end up getting scolded and blamed for not knowing even after all the best I've given.

I did my BM essay and corrected yesterday's English mistakes (*gasp* yes, English mistakes! 5 of them! No!) I did History *pukes* after the BM essay. That History really took forever to be done as usual and I felt goddamn sleepy after doing it. I even had a headache. Mom still refused to believe why I feel that way though (as USUAL, once AGAIN).

When I was reading manga after doing the stupid History, surprise, surprise, I got yelled at for making so much mistakes for Maths. Well, it seemed easy for her but not for me. After all, yesterday, because the string snapped and I could not practice in the morning, I freaked slightly when I tried to rush to finish everything until 4PM but the English delayed me. As for Maths, I really was pretty blur and my brain just didn't feel like twisting about just to get stupid questions solved. They were seriously stupid questions. Don't blame me. They really were. Lol. The more I defend myself, the more you people out there of all age are going to think me the usual teenager or student, are you? Fine. I don't give a damn about what you thought.

I was so glad dinner time came when she was shouting herself hoarse for those petty mistakes. I pity dad a bit though. He ate dinner with us in silence but we ate at this really cold place. They sold piano nearby the KFC where I ate at. I wanted to play but I truly have nothing to show off or be proud of. I now only have Autumn to cooperate with to make the best music ever (yeah, yeah, I am still not a professional yet).

Still tempting for me to play though. Just felt like touching those keys. It would somehow soothe me. Even though I almost shed tears about my stupid mistakes in the past in the car, I was determined not to go nuts about piano again. I have Autumn now and Autumn is the key to making my knowledge of music wider. It's only through Autumn that I can learn how to count the notes more perfectly.

You know what? I've not been playing with Olive the tiny keyboard in the so-called music room. It has been long but I know I did play it yesterday since I did not have Autumn to play with. I did not play with Olive because I had no new songs to play with and no songs to compose. When I play on Olive, I notice I become slightly bad at piano but maybe it is because I am too used to having my left fingers on the fingerboard and right hand on the bow. xD It took me awhile to figure out what notes I played before on the violin to play on the piano. Ha ha... So sad...

After listening to Ben Chan playing "Song from Secret Garden", I noticed the sheet music I had was way different from what notes he played. It sounded like the actual but it was a piano sheet music anyways. So now I just downloaded Ben Chen's one. Lol. I saw his hand writing. xD Still can be seen so I just hope I can reach those notes though I think he played D on E string. =S Yikes. I can so far only dare to reach until C on E string. =S Oh well, get the scores first before I regret~

He used flats instead of sharps. =o

Oh yeah, I put the title like this because I was feeling pretty down ever since she started yelling at me about stupid Maths.

OK. Bye. I want to read my manga.

Take care and have fun~!^^

Friday, June 25, 2010

Real Life ~ Snappy Surprise

I hope this title is better. I was being hot and cold about doing this post earlier but I guess I am going through with it.

Will not talk much though. (A little bit too early to say that but just a warning...?)

Teacher's day performance today (25th June 2010) Lol, I kept typing 2012 instead of 2010.

I did not really like it but still OK.

A guy played the violin and well, not so well and when I tried playing in public at home today, I freaked out throughout the whole 2 hours of practice. It's a way to make me try to focus and play better instead of having my mind drifted off to somewhere else while playing. The guy did not play well probably because he was nervous.

I do not wish to elaborate on how he played the violin. No, I am not jealous. =P I just wanna cry for him.

I noticed a car that kept circling my neighbourhood during violin practice. Fine... I was not 100% paying attention. xD You got me there. Lol.

I only managed to get a bit of its number plate.

I only did this because 2 house around my area had been broken in to. My tuition teacher said that on Facebook. My mom said she saw 2 policemen on motorbike were around.

Call me paranoid or insecure (because I am too xD) but getting the details down before regretting is better. =P

About the snappy surprise, it turns out you're supposed to wipe the strings of the violin after playing. I noticed my E-string had rusted badly and today's 2 hour practice made my fingers all blackish from the rust. My teacher advised me to wipe every time I'm done with practice.

While I tried doing the 2 hours of practice after dinner, it was both unfortunate and fortunate that the E-string snapped. It made a loud sound which got my attention straight away. After it snapped, I stared at it for a second and then started laughing at it. Just like what I did when the first E-string snapped. Lol. I must be nuts.

It broke at the right time because if it snapped after my lesson and not to forget how I won't be able to have class on the 3rd and 10th of July, it would be horrible. That would mean no practice for a longer time. Since it snapped, I can wake up at 10AM or 10:30AM. I won't be able to practice tomorrow. xD If it did not snap, I would have to wake up at 9:30AM. @.@ Me and my strict rules. This is madness. xD

Anyways, that's about it. Lol. Whole post on violin only... This obsession is getting out of control...?

Bye. Take care and have fun as usual, people! =D

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Real Life ~ Update From The Last To Today

I admit that the titles are getting lamer and boring but it's not like I bother to think up a good one. xD

Sorry to those who thought whatever I said just now somehow offended you. It's not like I always share same opinion with you guys so hopefully you get the meaning.

Anyways, I cannot say that I have been an absolute angel recently. I have been very, very human deep inside. I will not let outsiders know what I really thought about certain people. Only my mother knows but maybe not everything. Haha.

Yes, I am a teenager and I prefer keeping things inside these days. I do not feel like showing my true emotions even though they sometimes escape. I am still acting indifferent. It's better in a way anyway... since that chronic urticaria is still going on. 7th month if I have not mistaken. xD

Still gonna say this: if this chronic urticaria stays up to 12 months (1 year), I will celebrate and play my violin to show how serious I am. Lol. xD

For the 2 weeks of holidays after the mid-term exams, I cannot say I fully enjoy myself or fully stress myself out. xD I still kept a strict promise of morning practice and to wake up at 9:30AM and start the practice latest by 10AM. I never broke that promise at all until that one stupid trip to Genting. =[

I watched lots of anime and read manga. I came to love Romeo and Juliet. Well, more like the anime version (RomeoxJuliet). So if anyone googled "romeoxjuliet", the person might probably get to see my blog. xD Well, that is, if they went pages after pages of results for link or whatever. As you should know, I am not like the other popular people in my class and now I give up and admit that I will never be them and I do not want to join them, my blog is not popular either and I do not have many readers and this will not make my blog really appear much if it is googled. xD

Oh yeah, talking about Romeo and Juliet, for the anime, I love the OP song a lot! I am going to try out the "You Raise Me Up" on violin solo. I guess I cannot get the full sheet music for it so I will just do it by ear (again). xD

I hope that my version will be OK and more accurate. xD

I am very happy with my latest violin class. I finally got to learn vibrato! =D Yes, it is like one of the most frequently used skill so this is what I am looking for the most ever since I started violin. I cannot say I am perfect at it until my violin teacher says so. It's not perfect all the time as my arm gets tired. To be truthful, my left arm still hurts from shaking to get that vibrato effect. T.T

xD At least got to learn within this year when I just started. I guess I should be grade 3 by now. But I will not have high hopes since my teacher is forgetful and since I do not learn theory now, I do not go by grades. xD But I still wanna know what position am I currently in.

I know I am (was) Grade 2 and if I can play that Grade 3 song, that should make me grade 3 right? xD A hopeful thought from a dreamer. xD

I also learned how to do a new bow without bouncing the bow when I do that. It should be something I asked when I just learned about it but then I never totally remember to or have the courage to.

Went shopping last Saturday and walked past Yamaha Music Shop. My mom said she overheard this girl saying to her mother how she wanted to learn violin and her mom told her how she needed interest and the initiative to really learn. It's one of a way to say no and warn the girl. =[ I know how the girl feels. I had the same reply from my mom before dad agreed to let me take up violin.

It still makes me wonder why dad let me learn but I am very glad I got this once in a lifetime chance to do so. I am still interested in it. I will not lie to you about having almost want to quit before but now I am getting more and more determined. As long as I keep learning new skills and harder songs to keep me occupied, I will not feel like quitting even though I still hate my past for quitting piano. I still regret quitting music before. I still felt that I have missed out a lot but I do not want to keep feeling this way. But because of this, I may be able to do better when I play a sad song. I still cannot totally play with feelings yet but one day I will fix that.

Alright, I do not feel like talking anymore. So bye for now until the next time I blog. Hopefully you readers enjoy (whether anyone's there or not).

My usual last wish: have fun and take care!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Real Life ~ Long Time No Blog

Once again, it has been indeed a long time since I've blogged.

I've been well, fine, bad, sad, angry, frustrated, feeling ugly, feeling less confident than ever, feeling stupider than ever, itching like hell than ever and... I forgotten what else. Lolz.

So violin has been up and down. So I guess it did get worse but it's because I've not been for the violin class for 2 times because my violin teacher for the Shanghai expo.

Now he's back and gonna have 2 replacements on 2 Tuesdays which will be during these 2 weeks of holidays and you know what? For the first time in my life, even during the first week of holiday, I STILL DON'T FEEL THE HOLIDAY MOOD! Lol. I went to one of the shopping centres I told my parents about wanting to go to even though I have nothing I want there. I gave them my top 3 list.

The first would definitely be Ikano Power Centre, second would be Time Square or wherever in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and thrid is One Utama.

Went to One Utama yesterday. A couple of new shops opened but I guess I had nothing to do there in the end and the only part depressing part best part of the whole shopping trip was when I walked past this guy performing on piano and envied how good he played and how there were red rope dividers surrounding him and the grand piano (Yamaha brand). I envy him being surrounded that way because there would not be anyone interrupting. Lol. This wish would be selfish but whatever. It would be great if I had those dividers in school when I played in the room. xD Haha.

Even if there were dividers in the room, the people would have still remove and push me aside because I am still another student to them. xD

I have been watching anime and reading manga as usual. But what's more unusual is that I've been into anime. Not manga. xD

I'm feeling sick currently. Maybe ate something wrong or drank something wrong. Oh well. Will be back to anime now. So gotta jet. xD

I only blogged because I was waiting for it to load.

Take care and have fun. Will try to update but no promises~ xD