Saturday, July 21, 2012

Real Life ~ Where Did Justice Go?

What happened to justice?

I wish I can tell you everything that I have gone through for the past few weeks - or the past few months, to be exact, but from what I will be talking about later on in this post, I bet you can pretty much tell what happened to me.

What is patience when it has been taken too far? Cowardice.

Here is a quote I have recently read from a book:
“Patience has its limits; take it too far and it is cowardice.”
Whoever came up with this saying sure made a hell of a lot of sense. Pardon my language.

You see, I never understood what this quote meant until this very thing happened to me and it taught me what many others may not be able to learn throughout their whole life.

How is it fair for the innocent to receive all the punishments while the actual culprit lives a carefree life?

A girl who has literally lost almost all of her confidence and self-esteem receives all the punishments instead of the boy who abused her.

The boy not only forced her to do things she did not want to but also kept spreading dark and sinful thoughts of  the world to corrupt her already-confused mind.

The girl truly tried hard to be the best partner and friend to him but he just did not notice because his mind was already clouded with impaired judgement of the world. He tried to teach her to lie and be cunning to survive.

On the other hand, he told her to live happily by always doing as one pleases.

What a hypocrite! How is it possible to properly enjoy life if one is so fixated on deceiving and getting what one wants the illegal or morally wrong way?

If each and every one of us lies our way to achieve "success", then we can neither trust each other nor fully be satisfied with our own "achievement" anymore.

Should the worst-case scenario ever happen, how are we to trust our very own family members? Anyone could have easily back stabbed us!

In the end, when the girl finally got the courage to tell her parents, the boy's parents were not one bit sorry for anything and treated the whole case as if nothing mattered instead.

Things did not end just like that. The boy, regardless the number of times he apologized, could say otherwise behind the girl's back. The boy did not even feel bad and refused to pay for what he has done.  

Most of the adults did not even handle this matter properly. When the girl took the courage to tell her friends and relatives, only a handful stayed by her side.

The rest of her "friends" have let her down and proved their inferior quality of friendship along with their astounding ignorance.

Why should the girl face all of these troubles when she did nothing wrong?

She risked almost everything to warn people but why should her "friends" avoid her instead?

What is this world coming to?

Justice and injustice. What is the point of having these antonymous words when justice is not done?

These "friends" have fallen into this beast's trap...

People, take care and do try to have fun THE LEGAL AND MORALLY RIGHT WAY.

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