Saturday, April 28, 2012

Real Life ~ Blessing in Disguise?

It has been like forever since the last time I've ever posted anything.

Sorry, everyone!

Truth is, I have lots to say and have never stopped thinking of what to post on the blog. I even think up of titles but as usual, with my horrendous memory, I cannot even recall the last title I've made up just today or a few days ago when I have frequently been thinking of the exact same thing .

For a couple of times, I actually tried posting but as I was typing, I just stopped halfway and ended up deleting the entire post.

I had a reason for being like that and if my memory serves me right, I think I have mentioned in previous posts before to explain why I do that from time to time.

For a start, I have finally upgraded my violin. My violin teacher had been complaining about my precious Autumn Etude for being a beginner violin with a lousy bow. The first lesson I took from him, he was pretty surprised by the unexpectedly and fairly good sound coming from 'a violin like that'. No doubt that Autumn is loud and to my ears, sounds clear (when not played too fast) and somewhat 'straightforward'. 'Straightforward' because the sound just reminds me of a straight line most of the time. For example, when I tune my violin before playing, the first note makes me think of that. I feel as if a subtle, straight line is guiding me...

Whoops, must have sounded insane to you.

It all started with Autumn's bow. One Saturday, I didn't have violin lesson on that day. It was in the morning or close to the afternoon when I decided to play the violin before taking my bath like any other day. The moment I was tightening the bow, I heard an odd sound to find the frog screw my right hand was holding on to so loose that the entire thing could be taken out. The horse hair felt as if the entire thing could drop off with the thing that's keeping all of them in place.

Stunned and yet not so surprised, I recovered after standing there for awhile staring at the bow. I tried to put the screw back in.

The frog screw remained loose and it kept dropping out. It just had nothing to grip on to anymore...

At that time, you know what? I was screwed. xD

I had no choice but to inform my parents... I was supposed to take a bath before meeting up with my friends to hang out.

My parents took me to a violin shop to upgrade the violin. Might as well upgrade to a new violin since I'll be getting another bow as well as a 'more suitable' violin.

I tried out some violins with my not-so-very-pleasant violin playing. You see, at that time, I had not been playing the violin for days so I was kind of rusty... xD

I had initially chosen one that brought me to paradise. The first note I played was so nice that I wanted to play more and 'get to know more about that violin'. =x (Yes, I agree I sound creepy if not weird since I treat violins like individuals)

Problem with the violin I liked first was the price. The budget was 800 dollars but it was 3000 dollars.

I know that 800 dollars to buy a violin that can cover Grade 8 songs is just the same as dreaming but I was not the one paying so I had no right to insist on that violin.

In the end, I settled with one that's 850 dollars. The salesperson replaced the originally lousy rosin for a better one. He changed all strings to Dominant strings and let me have the entire set for free besides promising the next service free of charge. With that, I will know that I can bring my bow for him to fix. I was so curious to know what could be done to fix the problem with the frog screw.

I don't know much about violin bows... Neither do I know much about how fine tuners and tail piece work.

On that day, before my parents paid for the new violin, there were 2 other people who just came. A girl was buying a huge red and solid violin case. There was a guy with her.

The guy suddenly came over to me and asked me about joining the orchestra. I was slightly surprised by his sudden questions.

He eventually introduced himself and the girl. He's from SKOC (Selangor KL Orchestra and Choir) and he wanted me to join them. I was excited and too happy to believe such a thing can happen to me! I never believe myself to be good enough to join an orchestra. Okay, so he did tell me to try out different types of music but I never thought I'd ever be good enough to begin with. I still find it hard to believe my luck! Even when my violin teacher told me to join the orchestra, I never believe him because he could easily change his opinions the next week.

Sadly, I can only join them after my major exam this year... Maybe next year... Sigh.

It is one of the few things I actually look forward to now. Just something to keep me going on before actually attempting suicide, you know?

Moving on, I have another thing I have been wanting to say. This happened the starting of this month.

Guess what? I fractured my right foot.

All because I was rushing out of class to get to the Physics Lab.

Stupid, right?

I was punishing and blaming myself as usual for slacking even when others think I haven't been slacking. It was my way of repenting.

I have learnt a lot from one simple thing like fracturing my foot. I now know how it feels like to use crutches and be in a wheelchair.

I gotta say it's not all very simple and I feel awful for holding so many people back and troubling them.

By fracturing my foot, I got to see who are the compassionate people. Who are the good people and true friends, I can finally see.

With this fracture, I feel that I'm getting closer to my mother since she's usually home and there to help me. I get to tell her some things I never realize I have trouble opening up.

Well, maybe I ALREADY knew I had that trouble, which I recall repeating the question "You never say what you wanted to all the time so why don't you open up?". One of the answers to that question would be because I am afraid of the trouble caused and the money my parents will need to fork out for counseling or anything else...

It's almost 2AM... I better go before my mother really kills me - fractured foot or not! No mercy! xD

Take care and have fun as always, readers! =)

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