Monday, February 14, 2011

Real Life ~ Uploading Maniac

Oh yes, finally Valentine's Day came!^^ Not because I want to celebrate with anyone special or anything BUT, to take the chance to upload my violin videos. I was worried that I would not be able to play so well when today came & that I was not in the mood, too busy... bla bla bla. All that crap that happens once in awhile or, in my life, most of the time. Lol. xD

So, I did most of the recording on 15th of January 2011. I was not doing well for the 2 Grade 5 songs at that time. Was even depressed and the emotions were unstable. Man, I will still be like that in the future but I must never be given the chance to quit violin. NEVER.

It's true I am no prodigy. Not sure if I've shared this quote with you before but I quoted it from my Chinese homework last year. With all my strength trying to understand what that whole passage said, I quoted something from it. It said that
"A true prodigy is not one who does something well without hard work or sweat, but one who works for everything, pushing him or herself to do better."

It gave me a bit of hope, you know. I know it may not be something everybody agrees with but why not believe in it if it makes one work harder to do better?

The reason for this post is so that I can update on my life and also to share the links with you, for every violin video I made and uploaded onto YouTube.

There should be about 10 videos, if I have not mistaken. xD

1. Princess Mononoke Theme (Violin)

2. La Serenata (Soft version)

3. La Serenata (Loud version)

4. Allemanda by Corelli (Too fast)

5. Allemanda by Corelli (Slower)

6. (Done By Ear) Estes Indiferente

7. Valse Lente - C.Bohm

8. (Remade & Done By Ear)Estes Indiferente

9. Song From a Secret Garden (My Violin Playing)

10. (Remade)Russian Fantasia No.3


OK, so there ARE 10 videos. ^^

Not all are great. In fact, either I am being modest or having serious inferiority complex, I'd say none are amazing. Almost everyone can play them.

I still have a long way to go. D:

Please wish me luck? xD

Tomorrow's a holiday. Hooray, I have more time to finish my homework... *laughs weakly*

Hehe, betcha wanna say "NERD!" After all, I cannot help being like that. I was not so nerdy last year though. To be honest, even though I did all my homework, not all were handled seriously. I never paid attention in almost every lesson. Come to think of it, it really WAS a miracle as to how I can get 4A's. Let's just say, now I am thanking my lucky stars for that. Sorry it took this long.

Being in Sub Science ICT class is not all that easy but I gotta say my current classmates are nicer, even if they almost all borrow my homework to copy or use as a reference.

As long as I get my books back and have my homework marked in time, I am OK with it.

One thing I learned from the big exam last year. It taught me how trivial school exams are. No, stop your criticism now. It's true. I actually finished by the time the exam time ended. Usually, I could "sleep" for some time before it really ends.

I realized that depending on project marks was not a good thing to do. Also, homework marks ain't something to be too serious about. It did not help your big exam in the end. Just do not be too serious. I felt stupid getting worked up over homework marks last year and the 2 years before that. T.T

To get homework marks as much as you can without getting heated up is better. xD

Gotta jet. Have not done any homework for today at all. Busy uploading and practising. From about 2PM onwards until 5:48PM. @.@ This is madness (sparta!)

Take care and have fun~!^^

Friday, February 11, 2011

Real Life ~ Tick-Tocking Away

My mom's been sick for quite some time now. It started before CNY but after CNY, she's still like that. Even now. I think it got better though.

You know what? My CNY was just OK. I really did not perform. I still faked that I did perform for my Moral project though. I just hate being like the usual boring student when it comes to projects like these. I even got dad's help to take the pic of me 'playing' the violin. Learned a lesson from last time's 'photo session'! xD Haha. Seems like I should not move and just pretend I am actually playing. As for the December concert's photo, that's still my favorite even if that day's not very clear in my head anymore. I suppose I was just not pleased with my own performance. Way to go, pianist! Damn. I don't want to blame her or anything but I just can't help blaming the way they plan things and that they purposely did things to me so that they screw up my life. For their information, it DOES NOT screw up my life because the percentage of their involvement in my life is less than 10% even if I do go for violin lessons there. I haven't been there for a LONG time! I hope my teacher is nicer and that he starts smiling more. Praises would be nice too because I feel like I'm crap. xD Hopefully he didn't travel too much to the extent he's blur and shit like last year! Dx Those times were horrible coz it's as if he's drunk.

So many things I wanna do, so little time. I really want to spend my whole day playing my violin, reading manga & watching anime. My new friend sure jammed my search engine with mangas. And, the best part for me, comedy and shoujo at the same time! I recommend some for her too though it's not as great as hers. xD Well, there's NOTHING wrong with shoujo, just to let shoujo-haters know. Their drawings are much more precise when it comes to facial expressions. The eyes have meaning in it. One thing I absolutely love about shounen. The fights. BUT (yes, almost every line has a "but"!), not every shounen mangas have good fighting scenes. I mean, some are stiff that I don't feel thrilled reading them. Trust me, even some shoujo mangas can do better fighting scenes (Not couple fighting scenes!Lol.)

So anyways, I've been tired and all. I just finished PART of my moral homework. Haha, it's far from done. Well, not THAT far but I hope you get the meaning anyways. @.@

The moral homework took me at least 1 hour to finish. I feel that I am suppose to keep on doing work. =/ Gonna go psycho here. And... I decided to go read manga instead of doing BM tuition homework. Damn.

Lol, seriously, I couldn't even read manga or watch anime for this whole week!

Alright, this otaku's going now.

Take care and have fun~!^^

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Real Life ~ I Knew It

I knew it. I really, really knew it.

After all that hard training, I don't really get any praises, let alone show people my progress. I am not allowed to bring Autumn along to perform for Chinese New Year.

So... I wasted my time learning "Song From A Secret Garden" last minute and another song for my grandmother's birthday. All for nothing. As expected.

This year's Chinese New Year's going to be ever so boring... Like last year...

Truth is, I can NEVER be who I really am when facing all my cousins. I have no choice but to cover my face with this mask that shows only the good side. I am not allowed to be human in front of everyone, am I?

Now, here I am, recovering from another disappointment. If they asked me why didn't I bring my violin along, I will have to put on this fake smile and say, "Oh, I am not sure you wanna hear my horrible playing!"

=.= Seriously, man! Do you expect me to answer them like that every year? As long as I am still breathing, I can never perform as I like, can I?

My only hope is YouTube left... With a useless cam that cannot record the double-stopping nicely. Eff it.

Just one day I will perform. I know I tend to hesitate last minute and screw up performances but if I just get to know the crowd, I might do better. That way, I can excel in performances, just like my violinist friend!

What a let down...

I cannot cry over this matter, can I?

Alright. Gonna go.

Take care and have fun~!^^ Happy Chinese New Year!^^

(P.S: I am not allowed because it would seem like I'm showing off when I just desperately need to get a few compliments to show I am not doing as bad as I thought)